Well, we have finally figured out that the "red stuff" that is taking over the tank is NOT cyano, it's algae! So, we bought a type of rabbit fish (these fish are algae eaters) for the tank.
This is our new Fox Face. We named him Zorro! ;-) (I saw the name online and thought it suited his species really well!)
Fox Faces are venomous fish. They shoot their venom through the dorsal and anal spines in their fins. I've heard it's painful, though not really harmful any other way unless you're allergic, of course.
Fox Faces are venomous fish. They shoot their venom through the dorsal and anal spines in their fins. I've heard it's painful, though not really harmful any other way unless you're allergic, of course.
We also got a couple more feather dusters since they were on sale. We aren't sure if our diamond goby doesn't like them and keeps burying them or if they are just, simply, in his way?
Josh spent A LOT of time cleaning the coraline algae off the back of the tank. Coraline is good algae and a lot of aquarists let it build up on the back of their tank, but since we already have so much "red stuff" in the tank, it was keeping the aquarium from looking more crisp and clear. It made a HUGE difference and it looks SO much better!
If you compare this to the picture of the tank I put in the last post, you'll see what I mean.
After over a year of having perfect water quality in the tank, we've started having trouble with the nitrate levels in the tank. Everything else has stayed on track other than that and we aren't sure why. We've been doing more larger and more frequent water changes, but that doesn't seem to be helping much right now. :\
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